Learning and Loving
Photo by Cross & Anchor
Sophomores bonding while making baby blankets as a service project.
The sophomore class gathered together on Wednesday, February 16, for the annual Sophomore Retreat. The retreat was held on campus and students participated in several activities and attended talks given by teachers and staff.
Each year the retreat for the sophomore class focuses on love.
“The theme of the sophomore retreat has been love for longer than I have been working in campus ministry, which has been a long time, so it’s basically tradition,” Linda Ruszkowski, Director of Campus Ministry, explained.
The sophomores participated in games, activities and attended talks given by faculty and staff, because guest speakers were unavailable due to the pandemic. This was a great opportunity for the students to become closer.
“It was a great bonding experience for the sophomore class,” sophomore Annelies De Moore articulated. “I feel like I really grew closer with my peers.”
Guiding the sophomore class through this retreat were junior leaders. A small number of juniors were selected to lead different groups of the sophomore class as they participated in the day’s activities. The junior leaders also contributed to the planning aspect of the retreat.
“We plan all of the activities,” junior Mary Kincer said. “Basically we start planning two months before.”
The overall message of the retreat is an important message for all students to hear and to live by.
“I hope the Sophomores experienced a reminder to love themselves,” Ruszkowski stated. “That their worth is not based on any outside factors, and that every one of them are loveable and capable of great things.”

Elena Sunderman is a sophomore at The Academy of the Holy Cross and this is her first time taking journalism class. Elena runs on the cross country, indoor...