“Yeah, I Did That in Quarantine”
Photo by Maddie Foulks
Freshman Maddie Foulks playing volleyball at her tournament this past. December.
As people worldwide went into quarantine during this pandemic, many picked up new hobbies and activities to help pass the time. From gardening to sports, students and faculty found ways to pass the time.
A freshman in the AHC family, Maddie Foulks, spent her time learning how to play volleyball and painted with her grandmother, two very different activities.
“I did that just to get involved in something as a freshman at Holy Cross,” Foulks stated.
As a newcomer, getting involved with the clubs and sports at AHC is crucial. Foulks was ahead of the game; not only did she join volleyball at AHC, but she also joined a club team to become better. Foulks explained that she also picked up painting during her quarantine.
“I started painting with my Grandma because she moved in with us for around two months. So she was painting, then I started painting,” Foulks stated.
Not being able to go outside of the house allowed Foulks to pick up simple but relaxing hobbies.
Junior lacrosse and field hockey player Caleigh Rose started working out every day to improve her confidence on and off the field. Rose picked up the Chloe Ting program and started running a mile every day.
“I was doing Chloe Ting because I saw it all over TikTok,” Rose shared.
Over fourteen million people started participating in the Chloe Ting program as it blew up all over social media this past year.
“I felt good about myself because I started getting more toned, which is what I wanted. I started running a mile everyday, then I started to continue into the summer,” Rose stated.
Rose claimed that doing the program made her feel better about herself. Not only did this program improve her physical body, but it also enhanced her mentality.
Teacher, coach, and inspirer Liz Baldacci picked up gardening over this past pandemic.
“I started a garden, never done it before. It was actually really fun, I got very excited about it. Tomatoes, peppers, rosemary and basil,” Baldacci shared. “Because I started doing the garden, I started doing more cool cooking, and I subscribed to all these cooking websites.”
With all of this downtime, Baldacci put her green thumb to work. She was able to keep a steady level headed mind during this time by gardening with her loved ones. By having self-made healthy foods around the house, her family kept their minds active while eating healthy at a reasonable price.
“I wanted to eat something fresh, we were home all the time so we weren’t going out to places to get it,” Baldacci stated.
Quarantine provided everyone with time to develop new habits and hobbies that may last them the rest of their lifetime.
“This is something we can do ourselves. Something we can do and control ourselves,” excitedly proclaimed Baldacci.

Mary Allen is a sophomore at AHC. Mary Allen plays lacrosse and volleyball at Holy Cross. In her free time, she is either practicing lacrosse or playing...