The Effects of COVID-19
Photo by Abby Gehres
Senior Megan Locraft stands in the empty hallways.
From March through the middle of October, students from around the world were doing school from their own homes virtually. In October, students from Holy Cross had the opportunity to choose to go hybrid.
“I think it’s important to come in to be able to build community,” director of Social Justice Emily Teter said. “I was excited to see students as well.”
With the changes of online school Teter has had to find new and creative ways for students to get their required service hours in.
“It has changed the way we do service projects in that we have to get really creative in how students can serve from home,” Teter said. “It has also changed a lot of the background work for service on campus and how we need to serve others from our own homes. Some of the things that happen in social justice need to be in person.”
Having to change the way to learn is not easy for every student. Some students excel when they are in the classroom more than they do now with online learning.

“In person because it’s easier to communicate with teachers and have collaborative discussions with class,” junior Tess Gardner said.
Gardner currently has a busy schedule because of her fall sports practices and says with online learning, “has more homework and classwork and it is very overwhelming because they add up together.”
Students agree with Gardner that in-person is a better learning environment than online learning.
“I would rather do school in person because I think you can get questions answered and can get more things done when you’re with the teacher face to face then virtually,” senior Farah Lidberg said.
Some classes are harder in online learning so the teachers work hard to make them enjoyable.
“My favorite class is religion because the teacher makes it fun,” Lindberg shared. “He makes the class laugh and I think that’s importance especially during this period of time.”

Abby is a senior at The Academy. She is part of the Best Buddies Club and a member of the bocce team. Her favorite part about school is lunch with her...