“Much Ado About Nothing”
Photo by Abby Gehres
Google Meet for “Much Ado About Nothing.”
Holy Cross is doing the play, “Much Ado About Nothing.” It will be online.
“Much Ado About Nothing” is about people misunderstanding love. William Shakespeare wrote it in 1598 and 1599.
Dale Placek, one of the performing arts teachers, is directing the play. “We think it’s good for students to learn about him and his plays,” Placek said.
A lot of people will be in the cast of the play, including sophomore Lucy Harris. Harris is in the ensemble and the prologue.

“Each person trying out had lines to read, “Harris described the auditions. “We read lines back and forth, and Mr. Placek listened to us.”
Many students will be in the crew of the play, too. Senior Caroline Bloodgood is the head of the sound department. The sound department is in charge of sound effects and music. They are figuring out how to make that work.
“Lots of new students came to help with tech crew. They came in and they talked about their interests in an interview,” Bloodgood explained the tech interviews. “We asked them how they want to help. We told them what job we want them to do.”
Now the cast and crew are having meetings where they talk about costumes and sound, and practicing their lines.

Abby is a senior at The Academy. She is part of the Best Buddies Club and a member of the bocce team. Her favorite part about school is lunch with her...