We Love Seniors

Senior Olivia Mascari posing with her senior sign.

Due to the coronavirus and schools using e-Learning for the rest of the year, the class of 2020 will be unable to have their senior prom, graduation, and other senior traditions as usual. Some schools are trying to keep the traditions going by having their graduation or prom in the summer.

At Holy Cross, the administration and college counseling have found a way to make the class of 2020’s year still special during this quarantine. The college counseling department has been making a Senior Spotlight every day for three seniors and it appears in the Daily Bagpipe, Instagram, Facebook, and the school’s website.

“We wanted to highlight our seniors in a different way and thought that sharing a little bit about each senior would be a way to celebrate with our whole community at AHC,” college counselor Marissia Mills said.

The senior spotlights allow them to get to learn and see where their classmates are going and allow them to see if they will be spending the next four years with them.

Another way to focus on the graduating class are the senior signs. The administration created signs that go outside of LOTAs’ houses announcing that there is a Holy Cross senior there. Members of the administration delivered the signs to each senior.

“The inspiration for the signs was a way for senior families to celebrate the end of the year and all that they have accomplished as students at Holy Cross,” principal John Sullivan said. “Although we cannot be together physically, it is still a way of showing how proud we are of our individual and collective accomplishments.”

Many seniors are appreciative of what the administrative and college counseling have done with the senior signs and senior spotlights. It helps seniors who are upset that they cannot spend their final days with their classmates.

“I’m really excited for them, but I can’t be there to congratulate them in person,” senior Mi Phan said.

The senior signs and spotlights made seniors happy and feel closer to their classmates while they cannot see them also.

“The senior signs made me super happy because they were a really kind gesture from the administration,” senior Olivia Mascari said. “They brought a lot of happiness to a sad time.”

May 1 was supposed to be the last day of classes for seniors and unfortunately could not spend it with each other due to COVID-19. These special gestures help them feel closer to each other in a virtual way.