Applying to College

A display outside the College Counseling Office shows all the colleges that the class of 2020 have been accepted to.

One of the most important parts of being a senior in high school is applying to college. There are many choices of schools such that figuring out what school a student wants to attend can be stressful. 

At the Academy some of the seniors have already figured out what school they will be attending in the fall. But even after a student has figured out what schools they want to apply to, the process can be different levels of stress.

 “As long as you meet deadlines and follow your counselors instruction and take their advice, it should be fine,” shared senior Daniella Cruz

Cruz mentioned that after finishing all of her applications it did not seem as hard in retrospect as it was while she was applying. That may not be the same for other seniors.

“It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and takes up a lot of time,” said senior Cierra Touma.

The process it takes to apply to a college can be very stressful which and can affect a student. 

“The whole process can take a toll on someone if you don’t keep track of everything you have to do and procrastinate,” said Cruz.

The important thing a student can do is to follow everything they are given by the college counseling in order to help you have a successful application process. 

“Students have done everything in their power to learn the material they’ve been presented with over the past four years, been active in some activities and done service, shared school counselor Amy Schmidt-Stowe. 

As long as a student follows what they are given and finds the help they need to relieve the stress they are on they can have a successful application process.

“Learning to stay calm while colleges make their decisions is helpful,” advised Schmidt-Stowe.