LOTAs Jive at Prom
Juniors and seniors attended prom at the Bolger Center on May 17, 2019. Months of organization and planning culminated in a spectacular night.
The event took place on a Friday evening, and began at 7pm with a “mocktail” hour, kicking off the dance with drinks, appetizers, and socializing. This was followed by a buffet dinner of sliders, french fries, chicken tenders, and salad.
Phyllis Ouellette served as the main coordinator and overseer of the 2019 prom. She detailed the various aspects of the dance, as well as the historical value of the venue.
“It used to be the mother house for a group of nuns. They sold it to the U.S. Postal Service, who is the current owner, in the 1980s.” The property has three main buildings, one of which includes the large ornate ballroom where the dance was held. There were also beautiful grounds where students could relax during prom and get some fresh air.
While the outcome of her efforts was worth it, Ouellette confessed that there were some stressful facets.
“I hate to say this, but it’s people who don’t meet the deadlines.” Ouellette revealed. She then held up a stack of forms and laughed, “See this? These are all the people who missed the deadlines. I have to enter all of their information into the system manually.”
While organizing such an evening had many details, it truly paid off. After the dinner, students were able to dance in the ballroom while a DJ played music, enjoy refreshments, eat ice cream sundaes, take photos, and relax in the courtyard. Junior Colby Bellaman verified the quality of prom.
“It was a really awesome night. Everything was organized and you could tell that they planned it with students in mind.” Bellaman claimed. “I can’t think of anything negative that stood out to me.”
When it came to her favorite part of the evening, Bellaman was torn. “I had a lot of fun with my friends on the dance floor, but the ice cream bar was pretty good too.”
At the end of the event, junior Diorella Digamon was crowned prom princess, and senior Leslie Fontaine was announced as prom queen. Students had the opportunity to nominate and vote for prom court in their advisories in the weeks leading up to prom.
The Holy Cross prom of 2019 required incredible effort and time but resulted in a fun evening. Students were able to make lasting memories and bond, especially the seniors, who attended their final high school dance.

Anna Owens, class of 2020, is ecstatic to be a member of multimedia journalism. She has three younger sisters, one of which is in the class of 2022 at...