Kindness Week at AHC
Photo by Danielle Ballantine
Senior Jo Matta and junior Shelby Wilson with guest speaker, Rodney Glasgow
Kindness at the Academy is always a priority. The student body and faculty dedicated an entire week towards kindness in February. Throughout this week kindness was embraced and imprinted into the students.
Sophomore Maeve Smith expressed, “Kindness is so important because it helps those around us feel accepted and closer together.”
This week was meant to spread kindness, joy, and love. Smith exclaimed, “We should continue to spread kindness in our community because it makes a positive impact on our students, faculty, and those we encounter. By having this Kindness Week we are creating a new idea.”
During Kindness Week there were many events such as rock painting, an assembly, and a speaker. Danielle Ballantine, one of the Prism moderators explained, “The goal was to create kindness as a community. To be kind to each other and be aware of bullying.”
The kindness week was a short process but required much planning. Many students and teachers dedicated much of their time towards this week. Ballantine described, “Both the Prism and No Place for Hate Club were involved. They created posters, advisory activities, and a bulletin board.”
Without both the Prism and No Place for Hate clubs this week would not have been possible. We pledge to be #kindnessinactionahc.

Rose Tierney, class of 2021 is thrilled to be a member of Journalism class. She runs cross country and track. Her favorite place is Duck, North Carolina;...