AHC Gets Spooky!
Halloween at Holy Cross Halloween is an important celebration to many on campus. Students and staff wear costumes of their choice as they go about their school day, which adds excitement to a normally average day.
On Halloween, students have the choice to go Trick-or-Treating at the Moreau Hall during their free time to get candy, apple cider, and many other seasonal sweets. This activity is a favourite to many who attend Holy Cross.
Another great Tartan Tradition is seniors who pair up with a teacher to dress up and match the teacher. The senior-teacher pairs, and triplets, march through the commons during lunch for a fashio show. More often than not, candy is thrown to the rest of the student body.
As Halloween fell on a Wednesday, so each advisory brought in food and sweets for yet another spooky party.
Sophomore Marina Brooks stated that her favorite part of the Holy Cross Halloween celebrations was Trick-or-Treating at the Moreau Hall because of all the food. Brooks described Moreau Hall Trick-to-treating event as fun, but very crowded. There were many decorations and plenty of treats.
Sophomore Ciara Switzer claimed that her favorite part of the celebrations was the Halloween party in advisory because of all of candy and snacks that people brought. While Switzer did not get a chance to trick-or-treat at Monroe Hall this year, she remembers how much fun it was last year.
Sophomore Hannah Williams thought that being able to wear costumes to school was exciting and interesting, because she was able to see other students’ creative costumes. Williams, much to her dismay, was not able to trick-or-treat at Moreau Hall.
One of the freshmen admitted that her favorite parts of the day were the fashion show and the Advisory Halloween parties. She stated that the parades were “a great way for us [Freshmen] to get to know the teachers, but in a fun way.”

Sophia, class of 2021, is in the fall semester of the Multimedia Journalism course at Academy of the Holy Cross. She enjoys reading, writing, swimming,...