Starting on November 5, spirt will engulf Holy Cross.

Monday, November 5 will be Maryland theme. Students can wear and Maryland gear or Maryland symbolism.

On November 6, LOTAS will go back in time to the decade their of choice.

Next, students get ready for holiday hump day! Seniors will dress in Christmas theme; juniors deck out in red, white, and blue for the Fourth of July; sophomores have Valentines Day; and freshman, Fathers’ Day.

Thursday November 8 is TV Networks day. Students can dress as characters from tv shows. Freshman will be PBS Kids; sophomores, ESPN; juniors, Nickelodeon; and seniors, MTV.

Finally the week ends with the maximum amount of school spirt possible. Freshman and juniors wear white while sophomores and seniors dress in purple–all in preparation for the Powder Puff game on the turf field!